Health Promotion
The World Health Organisation defines health a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. As such, the WBNC is involved in a number of programs that may not look like traditional health services, but will positively impact on the health of our community.
Lots of research shows us a direct relationship between all aspects of our lives and our health. Where we were born, where we live, our jobs, finances, religion, housing, environment, social norms, government policy, in fact everything we think, do, say or touch has the capacity to affect our health. It is for this reason that the WBNC has such a diverse range of programs aimed at assisting our community with many aspects of their lives and therefore their health.
Keeping our community connected is an important health promotion strategy, so, we produce the monthly Walwa World to everyone up to date with what programs and functions and community events are going on. But it also helps and maintain a sense of community connectedness. We also undertake a weekly radio show. The topics explored on our RUM Radio show “Health Matters” are mostly about health, providing interesting discussions regards diseases, treatments, lifestyle initiatives etc. This info is aimed at improving peoples understanding of health, but it also keeps community members feeling connected to each other, the BNC and the wider world.
Other health promotion activities undertaken by the WBNC include a number of diverse services often tailored directly to the individual. Our IT room will enable you to get online, undertake homework, job applications, electronic learning or just staying in touch with friends. Our staff will assist you with developing professional looking electronic documents or navigating electronic communications. Case management, assistance with pre-admission paper work, liaison with specialists, and work for the dole programs are just some examples.
The WBNC has also run a number of festivals and community events.
Health promotion is at the core of everything we do!!