Walwa World Newsletter
It is important that we receive material from members of the community and community groups to maintain a regular newsletter. While we do gather and write some articles ourselves, we do so as volunteers and so have much else to do. But of course it is your newsletter.
Why don’t you tell us about your group or interest, write a poem or send in a photo?
Please email all contributions to Editor at walwaworld@gmail.com. If you have more than one or two digital photos please send over one or two emails or if they will not send contact us to make other arrangements.
We send the Walwa World electronically each month via our ‘community email tree’ listing. If you are not on the email tree, at your request we can add your email address to the Walwa World email list. The publication is also available on this website (see links below).
Editorial Team: Kerrie Thompson, Marshall Tuck and Steven Lynch.
Hardcopies are delivered in the Walwa area and available at Jingellic Store, Walwa Store and the Walwa Bush Nursing Centre. A large print version is available on request.